This latest bout with word/play (I'm not sure yet who won) was provoked by a passing disgruntled thought: is anybody out there actually reading my other blog, or am I putting all these earnest ideas into the Current for no reason? I know, it's mostly just ideas. But some of them do connect to tangible and relevant actions. Then I turned the thought back on myself: do these ideas really have anything to do with me? Can I have or claim any kind of attachment to them, when I'm barely playing a walk-on role in the human race right now?
My goal was to have these two blogs, one for the inner/creating/feeling world, and one for the outer/doing/change-effecting one. But, not for the first time, engagement with the social-political realm (apart from the most basic, necessary work like food rescue) just feels like the ego seeking a soapbox. And, living apart at present from a community, I'm really not doing that much. This page is presuming to have and to share these fascinating divergent sides of me, but maybe, in fact, I've only got one side to speak of: the inside.
Thinking of one-sided entities brought Mobius strips to mind, and I looked the term up online (if it's on wikipedia, it's the truth, right? Ha.). What follows is partly a wikipedia found-poem. Probably too I should cite a much earlier influence, and thank Neil Peart for tuning me in, with many a Rush lyric, to all the wonderfully analogous elements of humanity and science. An influence further nurtured by five years' work in the field of artificial intelligence research and computer language processing, surrounded by geeky geniuses and their excellent wordplaying abilities. So, this might not be my final answer, if there is one, but it's an effort to settle the internal argument – am I really doing anything here that matters? - at least for the moment...
And, on that note of seeking and significance: happy First Day of Aquarius!
Just one initiating twist
creates uncategoried shape
with one true edge
one boundary – though paper-thin -
one persevering surface
one open pathway returning
to beginning with no borders crossed
with all the effort we expend
to define, improve, identify, and differentiate
does any making, turning or intent
manifest a truly expanded state...
with all the soul I test and tend
resisting always unexamined word and deed
do my best turns of phrase, of thought, of seeing
have really any offering to this world's need?
wikipedia describes a Mobius strip
as “a non-orientable surface”
by which is meant a figure
that cannot be repositioned
to appear its own mirror image
in fact, wiki further affirms
that the shape may be considered
“the source of all non-orientability.”
(Hard words for us lopsided self-reflective shapes
still seeking our trajectory on this plane)
However, the figure gains high praise
for its many practical applications
“A device called a Mobius resistor
is an electronic circuit element which has
the property of canceling its own inductive reactance.”
(Certainly a tendency that I would like to cancel
and someday reroute those wary generalizing energies
toward more productive, less reactionary use of power)
And this:
“The Mobius strip is the configuration space
of two unordered points on a circle.
Consequently, in music theory,
the space of all two note chords
known as dyads
takes the shape of a Mobius strip.”
(I cannot begin to fathom this
but the effort is a joyful dance through imagination)
The expositions continue and
the links are nearly limitless
and let us not begin even to click on
compact resonators
helical magnetism
high transition temperatures or
inductionless resistance
charged particles (it reads)
caught in earth's magnetic field
can move on a Mobius band
(it's all one Everything, always here, right?)
Yes! See:
“the Universal Recycling Symbol
is a form of Mobius strip”
all this rich data
embodies just a moment's idle theory:
all my efforts to grow and to acquire depth
still seem to leave me flat, one-sided
and unevenly reflective
but that one side's the inner side
and at the least it knows its source and inclination
though I may traverse it at ant-speed
with no attachment to point of arrival
despite the wish of ego and ideals for
clear and tangible accomplishment
there may not be an outer plane here
I only really know this one developable surface
rejoined at the center and wound around infinity
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