"Your attention wants to go somewhere, so take it to the heart of experience. The heart of experience is the universe's breathing rhythm as it pours forth new situations, a rise and fall of energy...
"The present moment is naturally innocent. The now turns out to be the only experience that doesn't go anywhere."
-- Deepak Chopra, The Book of Secrets
YES, to the first of these. Life right now is nothing if not this, for me. A rise and fall of energy. A breathing rhythm. Depending on the moment, I am any part of it. One moment a strong lung cell, rejoicing to do its work in the breathing. Another, a speck of dust blown along on the winds of exhalation and release, and then inspiration and inviting in. One day there are no possibilities, the next anything is possible, but nothing is tangible. And on a day like today, five real, actual things might be about to show up all at once. Yesterday I looked at a fascinating live-work opportunity, which I won't get to choose but might choose me, in a week's time. Two or three very mutable work options hover around the verge, waiting to see if I will inquire into them. One living space nears the end of its time - I have to move this weekend - while another opens its friendly doors, but only for two weeks. After that it's living in the truck, or camping out with various friends who have offered their couch, their floor, or tent space in their back forty.
And here is what one of the never-predictable people in my circle told me this morning: "You're welcome to come along to Mexico with me, if you can be ready in a week..."
That second quote up there I could read in different ways, but I read it with hope. "The only experience that doesn't go anywhere" could be a dead end. It could be a blank wall, a cold shoulder. But it could also be a reality without attachments, without agendas. Free of hidden, ulterior motives: innocent. Life, present, with only itself to offer. Not that this isn't all going somewhere, too, because I think it is. Just that, maybe, Life is asking us to move at its pace, instead of our contrived and concerned rush, for a change? And to face a whole new wholeness along with it, a new range of choices.
Anybody else out there feel an entire new set of possibilities being offered, should we only be willing to be down with it, down on the surface of the moment?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
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