Monday, February 8, 2010


Flowers, phonebooks, and pizzas to the people. Bilingual goodwill efforts to the business owners on Bridge from the River to Atrisco. Clothing and a new community-making option, right there in the neighborhood, for the women of Casa. Supplies, common acquaintances, and offer of support to the new women's artisan cooperative. And also the card of a friend seeking multilingual people for a entrepreneurial/service effort (could be further employment for the women at the co-op, whose origins literally span the globe). The Google map site, for views of the old hometown, to the friend who hasn't been back to Mexico in 11 years. Contact info for free English classes, to all the guys at work (they're all getting into the idea, it seems). Except for the one who's already enrolled in two classes at once, making up for all the years he lost, in the factory in L.A...

And what comes back to me? A new back-of-the-hand knowledge of the north and south Valleys of my town. Miles of walking uncountable and uncounted. Clearing the blood under sun and cloud and snowfall, heading (sometimes) away from the grief and impotent, unfixable anger and toward whatever comes after. Two soul-restoring nights of live music, good company, barely-room-to-shimmy dance floors full of happy fellow human beings. Dreams that attempt to right a wrong or two, if only by putting the heavy shoes for a moment on the other's feet. Birthday wishes from friends I didn't think even knew the day. Generous invitations to share food, drink, conversation, from more than one who did. And all the kindness that, however unanticipated, always seems to come with bringing random stuff to total strangers with no expectations. Stay open to the current. Keep the current open. The energy of these connections is always alive, hidden and waiting in the circuitry...

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