Monday, May 10, 2010

the Distance

Here's the dream I woke up with this morning -- such a perfect representation of last night's inner state. One of my excellent companions in the lovely community where I live is getting married. They're full of joy, and I want to celebrate with them. I look for a suitable gift, and this is what I find: change for a $20. In that inexplicable ambivalence that comes with so many dreamstates, I shrug my shoulders and accept this as, apparently, the best I've got. It's only on waking that I groan with recognition. Yeah, this sounds like too much time in the pizza business. But it also sounds like too much time spent with ambivalence and shrugging of shoulders.

I was trying, last night, to answer that question again. The one about the Distance. Between here and there. What is and what could be. What we are and our achingly beautiful potential. And how we manage to live, in the meantime, with the disparity. Yeah, I know, it's dangerous territory. But impossible to avoid, sometimes. Even if I end up feeling like I have little more than pocket change to offer, to Life or to the question, when I try to meet the moment with my gifts...

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