Friday, April 24, 2009


strange unsatiating comfort to sleep
a dreamless night on your cold shoulder
stopped, at the side of the road
just one memory of fire still burns me
back to life with re-cognition
so many new moons past it was
that already afoot I first bared feet and soul
tuned you in and you swallowed me whole
turned you on and you turned me inside
out and returning liberated outside in
vanished me vanquished me into heart of everything
folded me misfit into the flaming inbetween
made one (and no one, and all-blessed none)
within the sacred singing Dreamtime

halfway to heaven half my life
and stranded, infinitely distant
waiting fine, unfound, infinitesimal
transparent in the desert's lucid atmosphere
insomniated particle on mountainslope
blissed on the blessed angles of light and all the
greengold curvature of Earthshine

what did I go seeking on the surface, out of depth
letting in the fear of others was my only fall from Grace
there was always ever breathing room enough
in this embracing liminal space
I didn't lose the path
I just stopped wondering
still I would wander even now
far and wide or near and further in
back to that no-place where I am wholly free
in ever-fractalling transformation
ground of deepest affirmation
sea of sweetest sublimation
quickening rush of all that BE
where now can I go
if not here and in and ever outward
where now can I love
if not embraced and joyed by Love transcendent
how can I intend at all
without traversing and immersing
in regenerating current of ever now
where is there but this whole
still-turning and still-burning earth
on which to walk and wake the dream again

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